* FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  *                                                           Contact: Leigh Turgeon  1-613-701-3141 
One Author Fights for Depression Awareness in Communities Worldwide With Release of New Book:
The Blue Veil by Leigh Turgeon            

Leigh Turgeon, Author of newly released book, ‘The Blue Veil’ has pledged to donate proceeds of her book to 15 Depression Awareness organizations, in communities over three continents, worldwide.
WORLD-2012-- One in five people in your life are or will suffer from depression in their lives. Is it your father, friend, it you? ‘The Blue Veil’ is loosely based on the author’s own experiences with Major Depressive Disorder. Mrs. Turgeon’s goal was to share these experiences so that regular people going through it or people with loved ones dealing with depression could further understand:
·         what the mood disorder is,
·         what it means to live with this disorder,
·         reduce or obliterate the stigma against it.
Now, during the book’s official virtual release campaign in July and August of 2012, Mrs. Turgeon announces the larger fund raising efforts tied to ‘The Blue Veil.’
‘The Blue Veil’ tells one person’s story, but is relevant to everyone in any community. It is meant to promote awareness on three levels:
·                         -         understanding one’s own mental health,
·                         -    dealing with the mental health of a loved one,
·                         -         financially supporting those organizations around the world that promote depression       awareness in our communities.
 ‘The Blue Veil’ is available on and other online retailers as a Kindle download or on, with copies for any other ebook readers.  
For more information on ‘The Blue Veil’ virtual book launch and blog tour visit: .                                                                 

You can also call and leave a message at: 1-613-701-3141.

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Book Facts:
The Blue Veil
Author: Leigh Turgeon
Kindle Edition, available on $6.96
Smashwords: ISBN 9781466026346 $7.00
Publ. Date: 2012

Come on, how does The Blue Veil relate to my life or my community?

How did the idea for The Blue Veil come about?

Why should people ‘stand up and take notice’ of The Blue Veil?

Why do you want to give your money away to these organizations?

How did you choose the 15 depression awareness organizations you are contributing to?

Why have you decided to spread the idea of The Blue Veil worldwide?

If The Blue Veil is based on your life, why is it listed as fiction?

What are the biggest misconceptions people have about people with depression?
If people want to start telling others that they have depression, what can they expect regarding other people's reaction?

Why is there so much more talk about depression these days?

What is the difference between grief and depression, and do they overlap?

When is being depressed a normal reaction and when is it truly major depressive disorder?

What kind of treatments are there for depression?

If someone thinks they are depressed, where, in our community, where can they get help?                
                                                                                                                                                               Are you still depressed?

The Blue Veil COVER ART

For Print use: 841x1230

For Online Use: 441x666