Causes Of Depression

Depression is a mood disorder. The current belief is that depression has a biochemical root.  It is the result of skewed chemical levels in the brain. These chemicals are referred to as neurotransmitters. The levels of  these neurotransmitters are affected biologically causing changes in a persons behavioral actions and reactions, ultimately resulting in depression.

There are many theories on the causes of these chemical changes in the brain and therefore depression:


Studies of identical twins separated at birth show that if one develops depression the likelihood of the other also developing depression is 40%-50%. This number being much higher then the 20%-30% likelihood of depression in the general population. These studies point to the theory that there is a genetic link with depression.  There are, in fact, many studies that have also shown that depression runs in families, similar to alcholism.

Biological Reasons

When a persons hormones are changed drastically, such as with childbirth or hypothyroidism, that person has a much higher chance of deeloping depression. This lends to the theory that the biochemical changes in the brain that are attributed to depression are negatively affected or controlled by hormones.

If a person is lacking in vitamins D or B12, they are said to be prone to depression. This is the case in people suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). When there is less sunlight (such as in winter time) people's bodies develop less vitamin D and this is one of the markers of SAD, which can then develop into full blown depression.

Life Stressors

Most of us experience some forms of stress in our lifetimes.  For some people these stressors, such as being the victim of childhood abuse or bullying, the loss of a loved one, or extreme financial hardship can lead to depressive episodes.  Much like when people get scared or thrilled their bodies produce adrenaline, these negative stressors must also cause the biochemical changes in  the brain to create the perfect environment for depression to develop.


Some theorists believe that a persons personality affects whether they could develop depression.  If a person keeps their emotions pent up or if they are perfectionists who could put a lot of pressure on themselves to succeed, they could be at a higher risk of developing depression.  Perhaps in the brains of these personality types the biochemical balance can be interupted through the stress they naturally experience.

So, as you can already see, the biochemical root of depression has been theorized to have many causes.  While the intricate details of this are not clearly understood thus far, if you take anything away from this article it should be this:

Depression is due to a biochemical abnormality in the brain.  It is not a result a result of anything you/the patient may have done.

Treatments For Depression

Found this article on treatment for depression. Let's collectively take this second step towards depression awareness. Read and share this article. Useful and insightful:

There are several treatment options available to those suffering with Major Depressive Disorder, or Depression. No one is alone with their depression. Seeking treatment is easy and empowering, especially with the knowledge of treatments for depression provided here.

Please read and share, remember with talking comes understanding of #TheBlueVeil.

Cheers, L

Self-Diagnosing Depression

As we embark on this journey of Depression awareness and an understanding of The Blue Veil, we need study what depression is all about, facts and feelings. Is it you who suspects they may be depressed? Are you worried that your family member is depressed?
Check out this article on self-diagnosing depression.
Consider this baby step number one:
When experiencing symptoms of depression, you want answers. This article shares some tools to consider when determining whether you are actually suffering from depression. Causes, symptoms, clinical guidelines, and questionnaires are all valid ways to self-assess your diagnosis. It is always recommended that you consult a physician with your findings for further diagnosis.
Read the Article here:

What is 'The Blue Veil'?

Up to 78 MILLION suffer from it in the US alone, and VERY FEW talk about it. Is it your father, friend, it you?
Now, finally, with the book entitled 'The Blue Veil' by author Leigh Turgeon, comes a brave account of living with depression. It was written so you can either understand your loved ones or be assured that you are not alone.
Talking about things helps you move past them, through them, even out from behind them.  Let us not revel in depression but explain it, understand it and move through 'The Blue Veil' together.
'The Blue Veil' by Leigh Turgeon can be purchased now through Amazon or Smashwords. While it is available now, the official launch is  
Sunday April 28th, 2012
We are going to hold
 a virtual launch party
You are invited! 
 More details of that to come, keep an eye out for your invitation! Join us, follow 'The Blue Veil' and stay tuned!

What Is 'The Blue Veil'?

'I am everyone; your friend, your sister, your mother, your wife.  That’s the scary part. This could happen to anyone.  One in four adults, over the course of their lifetimes, will actually face this monster: Depression.'

Depression, described as 'The Blue Veil' in Leigh Turgeon's book of the same name, is often veiled from society. The true struggle with the disease is often misunderstood. It is our goal here to share, discuss and debate about depression and general mental health. Most of all, our intention is to tear back The Blue Veil for all to see.

Let's build this together. Let's Stop Our Stigma, #SOS against The Blue Veil, now.
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